How does it work?
Every Playgroup has their own way of working. At New Gisborne Playgroup multiple 2 hour sessions are run throughout the week. Just let us know what day you'd like to attend, the age of your child and anything else you might think is relevant. Then we try to put you in the most age appropriate session for your child. There are usually about 10 adults allowed per session. A standard membership allows you to attend one session per week. However if you can opt to attend more.
Can I attend any session?
At this point we do not offer open or casual attendance to the playgroup. This is something we can look to into the future, but it will require a collective committment to maintaining accountability for the hall.
Are the sessions run by a group leader?
There is no set structure or appointed leader for playgroup sessions. Groups are encouraged to work together to run activities, share meals or celebrations together.
How do I know if it's right for me?
You're entitled to trial a few sessions before committing. Get in touch with the Membership Secretary today to find out which sessions are available and suitable for you and your child/ren.
What are my responsibilities?
Members are responsible for their children at all times. Children are never to be left unattended while at Playgroup. You are also encouraged to help your children take pride in a community space by tidying up after yourself, cleaning and maintenance of the hall. We run Working Bees twice a year and hold Committee Meetings every 6 weeks. All members are welcome and encouraged to participate in both.
What is Playgroup Victoria and why do I have to join?
Playgroup Victoria is a not-for-profit, incorporated association committed to helping all Victorian families discover the benefits of playgroup. Membership covers you and your children for personal accident and injury insurance at New Gisborne Playgroup. New members can join online at http://www.playgroup.org.au
Membership should updated annually and with the birth of any new children attending playgroup.
What do my membership fees contribute to?
We are a non-profit organisation but must remain financially viable to continue operating as a playgroup venue. Membership fees can contribute to the following:
Hall Rent
Building Maintenance
Utility Bills
Purchase of New Toys
Free Community Events
We make every effort to keep the playgroup accessible to everyone. If you would like to join but need to adjust your membership fee, please reach out to committee.
How is New Gisborne Playgroup enforcing Child Safety Standards set out by the Victorian Government?
Every child has the right to feel safe and included. We welcome all people to our playgroup. All committee members have WWC cards and in 2023 our committee has appointed an Inclusion Officer to focus on ways New Gisborne Playgroup can be accessible to all children and their families regardless of age, ability, gender, sexuality or religion. If you have ideas on how to create a more inclusive, safe space please reach out to our committee.

Did we miss something?
Get in touch via our email, socials or contact page.